Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
40 days
2-NO JUNK FOOD (yes this includes chocolate and taste tasting my fabulous baking excursions)
There ya have it...the fun loving, energetic gal you once knew is gone or at least on hiatus till Spring.
..and to go against the trend of "giving up" stuff all the time I'm ADDING running to my least twice a 5K is coming up (more on that later)!
Enjoy and Happy Ash Wednesday....(pray for me)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Might I say..

uhh...familiar girls?!?

Do I ask for them back!? Do I let her keep them?! It was one of my favorite games as a kid and I'd hate to see Taylor's disappointment when I explain where they went,why they are missing and why my game is no longer complete!.....oh sigh. Bummer.
ME tube...
*Credit given to Mr. Michael Fontaine De La Tour Dautrive De Beau Marchais Dufersne for this find.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Two truths, One lie...
*I drool in my sleep
*I am left handed
*I've never seen Goonies.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
...send flowers in the shape of a cupcake-

But to think this is just a slice of the cupcake heaven just google "cupcake" and you'll see what I mean! Ohh the simple things in life....and to end with the Queen of everything for anything....go figure she'd have something cute...ohh Martha to be an ounce of your fanciness...sigh.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My how time flies...
Ok so one of my many guilty pleasures is the Disney Channel, Disney movies, Disney music etc..and no not like the princesses and Mickey and what not...more like-That's so Raven, Princess Diaries, and yes even the Jonas Brothers, after all the Disney Channel is where I do believe my obsession over Shia Labeouf came into play...


Holy heaven..thank god for Disney and now Transformers. Though I haven't seen any of the HSM's I plan needless to say I have the TV viewing mentality of a 9 year old...don't hate.
Yes to continue my rambling......another "classic" Disney movie I rate high up on the "hey that wasn't bad, and I sat through it and could watch again" Big Daddy..yes Adam Sandlar, Jon Stewart, and of course Rob Schneider ( "hip? hip hop? hip hop onymous? hippopotamous?....")..but we can't forget Cole and Dylan Sprouse..What? Who!? Ahh yes you know...Julian aka know the cute little boy...well they are identical twins who NOW play in a Disney Channel show called.. "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody"...the whole reason for this post! (NOT becuase I'm a creepy stalker who seeks out 12 year old boys) The fact that its the same kid(s) blows my mind (twss)! I still can't believe it....

and AFTER.... :( ouch....

guess some kids age better...they've still got yeah..I am still very much in shock yet quite proud that I have now wasted about a minute of your life...yes go ahead UNsubscribe me from your Google reader or RSS feeds now..I would if I were you.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
just in time

give her (or him) all your heart-or just an inflatable one..personally i think the model looks more fun-whatev!
and of course you cant go wrong with fun t-shirts-
The Wizard of Oz T-Shirt in action-
Bad Chewie T-Shirt
Ok ok thats all for now and yes I do have some feelings/heart (believe it or not I'm a hopeless romantic and love showing it just dont need a day to prove it-plus I'm pretty sure he knows already)
ANYWAYS- Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy it with that one that makes your heart skip a beat or still gives you butterfiles...or just puts that warm feeling in your heart when you can just sit back and look at him and go ahhhh...he is groovy.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Free time on a Friday...
yep thats right...stealing cameras and throwing it on video mode...and with who else?! RAY!!
I'm so dead.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
How fast are you!??! (t.w.s.s)
first time-68...5 errors
second time (new sentence)64..3 errors
third time (new sentence)-66...0 errors
average: 66 words per min with 2.6 errors
BEAT THAT!!! (Mr. Eastman-bring it!)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just Read.
As I continued on my interneting I came across this adorable website...I want it all....these instantly got put on my "i don't really need but think it would be OK to buy" list-

I love the inside of these...

No need WHAT SO EVER for them but these are cute and the title is fun!
And if you're in the mood to splurge....
Embellished Black Cuff

Go enjoy more
And lastly, confirming I am a WIMP...for sure. Today as promised I started So my initial test-the magic number is 6...WOW I just snuck into Rank #2...I was gonna do it again because I was so ashamed of the number or just flat on cheat and lie- but then I thought "well hey this is why I'm doing it-to improve" but DAAHAAAM. Wishing myself luck right now...100 push ups in 6 weeks. Miracles do happen. Peace out.