Yes, it's true I'm going, and in two weeks, I am stoked!!! But sigh, its not New York City or anything crazy or fancy like that. IT'S BETTER!!! I am going to the
Allegany Mountains to......
Which I haven't done since I was like 10 and with the family. My family and I used to go RELIGIOUSLY up to
"the dunes" like at least 9 weekends a it's been awhile and I'm itching for it BIG TIME. Yes, believe it or not this "princess"look-a-like can indeed get down and dirty and rough it (for a short period of time) :).
The even better news is the group I'm going with-ITS HUGE, like over 60 some people are going-how fun! They have a yahoo group, a
facebook group, etc. I only know a handful of people
(Harold, Karin,
Carrie, Jen O, Jen L, Kara, Beth, and Sara) but still, I already know it's going to be amazing I have a sixth sense for these types of things!!!
Countdown ON: 14 days!!!
One (major) downfall. Mark has to work.
Boooo...bonus though-"the allegany-iens" have been doing this outing for over 10 years so we'll BOTH get to go next year!!! Upgrade!