Well OK I'm back (I guess)....more people than I thought missed me or kept asking "Why the break?" "What's wrong?" "What happened?"...wow people-Relax. So instead of getting bugged I'll just start blogging again. Happy!? Good...
Ok so I just noticed I have 108, now 109 posts. So I'm 8 (or 9 counting this one) posts late for the famous "100th post" aka "100 facts about me" So away. we. go....
1. When I was in preschool (and kindergarten) I wanted to grow up to be a ghost.
2. I sometimes paint my nails just so I can pick the paint off hours later.
3. I can eat oatmeal for any meal at any time of the day.
4. I wish my parents would write a "how to" on raising kids.
5. I've only met one person in my life that truly is "a man of their word".
6. I hate my boobs.
7. I wish the person in #5 was still in my life.
8. I may be the one person you know that obsesses and knows tons about weddings yet is "Eh" on her own.
9. I finally had to start plucking my eyebrows about 3 years ago..ahh light blond hair gotta love it.
10. I'm slowing realizing that people can't read minds...so just because I'm mad or am thinking something doesn't mean anyone else knows it.
11. I cry about twice a week, not because I'm sad but just because, it's never in front of anyone it just sort of happens, for me it's a (weird) stress reliever .
12.I feel the same way about children as I do on weddings. (I'll love yours just don't want the effort with mine-at the moment)
13. I wish I painted.
14. Since watching the entire series of Dexter a part of me wants to move to Miami.
15. A part of me wants to move anywhere, SOON.
16. I wish I had a high even normal self-esteem.
17. I know my feelings on #8 and #12 will change, eventually.
18. I make a mean chicken chili. (that feels weird saying that)
19. Sometimes I wish people did as much as for me as I did for them, but then I think it takes away from wanting to help them (which I do-so nevermind)
20. The only genre of music I'm not a huge fan of is "emo"...I don't have time to be sad for them too.
21. "Steams" make the world a better place. Steams: A normal shower that lasts for well over 20 mins where you turn the water on HOT, move the head up and over from hitting you, you then sit on the floor and steam away....AM. AZ. ING.
22. My middle name should be "clearance or sale item"...I rock at bargain shopping.
23. I don't do good with compliments.
24. I have a half bro and half sis well into their 40's, making my dad a baby maker for well over 30 years....go pops.
25. I return phone calls like 3 days later, literally. But I'll text or email you back in a millisecond.
26. I'm a pretty good love doctor.
27. I stalk myself on google.
28. I break hearts, not on purpose, it's just sorta happens.
29. My parents are my ultimate best friends, I don't think I could choose one over the other.
30. I just can't get drunk off beer anymore wine, though I am yours for the night.
31. I forgive to easily, I think I'd rather forgive than argue.
32. Sometimes I wish I was high maintenance.
33. Learning to trust again is possible, I have Mark to thank for that.
34. I love blues music.
35. I have zero talent in the singing department.
36. I love love LOVE going to work everyday, even when I know it's gonna be crappy.
37. Sometimes I type the word "such" when I mean to write "just". No idea why it's not even close just do...one of the many brain disconnects I have...
38. I love baking but I'm not a big taste taster....
39. One year for Xmas I wanted a bunny soooo bad that was all I asked for, talked about, etc. for weeks. Xmas morning I woke up to a stuffed animal bunny. A STUFFED ANIMAL!? Thanks Santa.
40. My feet smell, and by smell I mean not good.
41. Applesauce, mayo and evaporated milk creep the hell out of me.
42. I am obsessed with the fourth of July and not for the reason some may think, I actually hate that reason. AND no not because I'm some crazed out America, I bleed red white and blue type. Can't a girl just like summer, bbq's and fireworks!?
43. People really post 100 things about them??....damn.
44. Mark and I have a magnet thingy of Mickey with a bunch of different expressions that you can move a square over and change-well we leave it on "lovestruck". He probably just forgot it was there....
45. I wish I had Adam Richman's job, though I'm not a big eater.
46. I think when the time is right and the feeling is right I'll know what to do.
47. I'm a "fake" vegetarian (as people call it)..I do ok with chicken once in a while but red meat or anything of the sort looks good to only my gag reflects.
48. My newest Pandora station is titled "Jbro love"
49. Yes, "Jbro love" contains, Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, Hilary Duff, MILEY, and HSM...
50. I wish Micheal Scott was my boss.
51. I can get my resting heart rate down to about 30....Branecki and I tried it once with our heart rate monitors. I won.
52. I have the worst circulation known to (wo)man....my hands and feet are constant bricks of ice.
53. Actually most of my body is a brick of ice-I get goosebumps like a 13 year old gets acne.
54. My handwriting sucks. I know it's because I write so fast, for no reason.
55. I have yet to find a Dierks Bentley song that I have not liked.
56. The thoughts of going back to school tickle me but I know I won't do it...
57. The longer I am living in the city the longer I want to stay here instead of moving back to the burbs and "settling in"-why can't we "settle in" where we are!?
58. After just recently losing my phone I've noticed I knew three phone numbers-parents, work and Meghan's. NOT EVEN MARK'S! ha...
59. Never travled outside of the country, not even to Mexico.
60. I have yet to master the art of shaving my legs.
62. Vegas just seems like a whole lot of lights and wasted money.
63. Perfect job would be a party planner and/or the person who gets to name OPI's nail polishs
64. My favorite animal is a penguin.
65. I know of more "broken" marriages than good marriages and it makes me so upset and scares the crap out of me. People-do you know what VOWS are? You're pathetic, why'd ya bother?!
66. I wish I did more things for just me than always thinking of others.
67. I could easily sleep for 24 hours if given the opportunity. Heck I might do that tonight.
68. I haven't been to church since Jenny and G's wedding (Nov. '07), that is HORRIBLE.
69. I still like Ebay.
70. I sweat like no other it's the amount of water I drink backfiring.
71. I have the bladder of a 3 year old.
72. My first car was a 1991 Chevrolet Cavalier WAGON....aka RED RACER. Man, if that car could talk.
73. I swear I have early signs of Alzheimer's at 26-my memory sucks.
74. I HATE mushrooms.
75. Tuna unwichs from Jimmy John's were probably sent from heaven.
76. I chew gum 89.9% of the time.
77. I wake up at 4:22AM three (sometimes 4) times a week.
78. I wish I was a popular blogger, like well known.
79. I like my nerdy side.
80. I avoid confrontations at all costs, I know- not the best thing to do but it's gotten me this far.
81. My back would win a boy scout badge for "best knots".
82. My feet are always cold yet I hardly ever wear socks.
83. I think people that are late to work are rude.
84. I hope I never smell like old people do.
85. I want a new hobby.
86. I like that Mark has a big family, I do not so it evens out.
87. I want a big family.
88. I like when I clear all my spam from gmail and it says "Hooray, no spam here!" It just makes me smile.
89. Chuck E Cheese's is so ghetto now it's sad.
90. I have about 25 pairs of flip flops that I don't even wear, yet I keep buying more.
91. Leashes are for dogs not children.
92. I really need to reread my emails more often. My grammer is so bad and I leave words out horribly.
93. I have an extremely hard time portraying myself how others do....
94. I can't stand regular pop or sugar.
95. I have tons of trinkets on my desk at work, my favorite is a mini snow globe with penguins in it. I think it'll be my favorite for all times.
96. I would choose sleeping over food any day.
97. I truly believe you create your own destiny and things ABSOLUTELY happen for a reason.
98. I will die of skin cancer in like a year or have a mentally handicapped child just becuase of this thing called Karma.
99. I like donating blood, I would do it every week if it was healthy enough.
100. I get away with so much..... ;)
WOAH...think I need another break from this blogging thing.....yoozers.