Things I say too much.
- Wow
- Yikes
- Ummmm
- Yea ok
- Peace out
- Ohhhh (usually then a booo or waaa comes after and now "oh man" thanks to Mark)
- Jerkface
- So's your face
- Ugh
- TWSS (but who doesn't say that too much, and at totally inappropriate times?!)
- Repeat everything you say but throw in the opposition of it, like-
Me- "oh god, start it"
- Blah
- Shut it
- Later kid
Things I do too much.
- Talk in my sleep (and probably in general)
- Chew gum
- Twirl my hair (or used to-boo.)
- Ebay
- Tweet
- Apologize when I have nothing to be sorry about or should even be saying sorry at all
- 98.9% of the time when on the phone I end the convo with "Ok thanks bye" regardless of what I'm saying or doing (damn nice bones I have)
Jennifer's lists of improvements.
- Don't judge
- Realize good things do happen to me and it's ok to not feel guilty if something does indeed go my way
- Make sure Mark knows what he means to me
- Forget the past
- Call more then text
- Remember people might not always have sarcasm on the brain like I do 24/7.
- Have an opinion and be ok when someone has a different one.
Wow ok now I'm getting depressed because I could totally keep more....and yeah well not the point of this post, whatever.
But anyways what do you guys say/do too much??
"Peace out kids" (ahhh see how I did that)

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