Drum roll plllllllllease...my award!

Oh and I almost forgot, my newest find....

I just LOVE this stuff...I've never really been able to grow nails (lovely hypothyroidism likes to mess that up, as well as your hair and blood circulation-fun huh?!) until NOW...wow this stuff is amazing and totally worth the $12.95. Although I did find a lot of 3 on Ebay for $21.95, which works perfect because both my mom and sister are getting one in their Mother's Day baskets (hope they haven't found my blog yet-if so they just ruined it for themselves!) So if you need help or want strong long nails go get this stuff!! I love finding good stuff, don't you!?
Ok that's all for now and probably for a while, leaving for California next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah OH. MY. GOD., I'm excited and really need a break from the stuff I deal with everyday, no offense still love it all, but breaks are nice too. So enjoy our time apart, enjoy the increasingly warmer weather, and enjoy your Mother-everyday NOT just on Sunday! Here is me, Mom and Sis (mom of the best niece ever-Taylor) taken a few years ago.....
Peace out.
oh thanks for the kind words about my two precious babies!! :)