This weekend was not only a great weekend (cousin's bbq, bar crawl and a family reunion) but a very productive one!! It's nice when they blend together, I've hit a wall as far as just enjoying the weekends from pretty much the couch, but not this weekend!! I was up at 7:30 on Saturday -WHAT?! me?! Yep, even before Mark, so I took advantage of it. I cleaned, organized more stuff and did my WALL DECALS!!! I am ultimately 75% happy with them. The one is the entryway is better than the bedroom one but the coloring is eh (better in person plus I think Mark has yet to even notice it's up) and the bedroom one isn't as big as I'd like it (TWSS). But I'm still happy I went with it and did them. And yes they are cheesy, so if you're not a fan of cheese close out now. :)


So that's it, congrats to me, as far as the application scale I'd give it a 6 out of 10...the actual application is super easy it's just the where do you want?, what height?, centered?, off centered?, level?, etc. And on that note more people than I thought keep asking about pictures of our place so I thought I'd throw a few in on this post. I was all about doing a tour via video but eh, I lost steam, fast. If you're not happy with the photo tour I suggest you just get your butt over here. So drum roll please........
Hello from Mark and Jennifer's!
Your hallway view after entering (and seeing the above picture)...
Second bathroom off to the right of the main hallway...

Next up my lovely kitchen, I heart the stainless steel appliances, I unheart the keeping them clean :(....

Moving on to the living area, the couch is the best, like I really need help falling asleep anywhere but this one ranks one of the best....
Annnd then the master "suite"... still need more stuff on the walls, the echoing is just not working with me :)
Looks great! I love the decals--thanks for sharing your photos!