Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years!

Yep, we rang in the New Year out in Wrigley with 50 of our closest umm 50 of our fantastic hosts' friends. :-)  It turned out to be a pretty good night....ok yes Jen drank too much-yes she did throw up, yes before even getting home, and *sigh* yes in a cab. But to clarify she threw up OUT of the cab like seconds after getting into the cab....umm whoops. So New Years ended for me promptly at 12:08am give or take 4 or 7 minutes-double whoops. I partly blame the all you can drink, the 312's, the switching to cranberry and vodka(sssss) and maybe drinking like once a month these days.  
 Whatever I cured the hangover with Avatar in 3D/IMAX and a good run-although thanks for all the other suggestions-
Twitters friends-

And Facebook lovers-

The good thing about the whole night was although I was clearly over served (not my fault) I still remember most of the night which in my opinion is the best kind of drunken nights Plus it marked the second year in a row with the best new years kiss a gal could ask for. Heres to many more my love!

And on to the highlights and to help me remember a little bit more....

Tammy, Mary, drunky, Amanda

Getting Happ(ier)

Annnnnnnd she is done.

Happy 2010 Kids... 


  1. YOU LOOKED SO CUTE! What is this, a top? A dress? I LOVE IT!! SILLLLVERRRR!!

    You guys make such a cute couple it makes my heart all fuzzy <3

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