Thursday, June 25, 2009


The exact word for my life right now. (FYI-I'm moving to Chicago.) Don't get me wrong I am 100% super excited to move A)-to the city and B)-IN WITH MARK!!! But boy oh boy am I gonna miss Brookfield. The thought of my place being in the paper alone almost brought me to tears, :(

Mr. Brookfield was my first place out on my own. Grew up in LaGrange, left home 20ish-moved to Westmont-didn't stay long and moved on to Brookfield-ALONE-howdy Adultville! And well I've been there 5 years ("Really? yeah-WOW")!! Woah....I can still remember moving in- green cake frosting still smeared into the wood on the bathroom door from an awesome surprise party, game nights, pre-drinking nights, many a Hills nights, pounds and pounds of pasta, slumber parties with Taylor, walks to Elhert Park-days full of suntanning and reading, surprise welcomed visitors and then not so welcome ones. ;)
Man it's been quite a timeline and a huge chunk of my adult hood. All in all it's been a good chunk and such an exciting chapter in my life. At the same time I'm so glad it's closing, time to put the past in the past, shut the doors- move on and move ON UP (literally)! One garden apartment to the 15th floor! Booooya!!!

So wish us luck-the big move-in day (though I've been there everyday this week) is this Saturday-yes with a high of 93 of Adios Mr. 8920. You've done good.

Leaving you with Mark and I on our balcony-soon to be tanning deck (yes Mark- your fancy smancy grilling area too)!!!! Cheers...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you! Good luck on the move! Welcome to officially living in Chicago!
