Monday, June 29, 2009

And the beat goes on.....

My view: BEFORE....
OUR View: AFTER....
To the right.....
And straight ahead.....Ahhh it's quite relaxing (now that the move is finally over), the night light and sun light are equally gorgeous and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to everyone who came out to help, and those who came to visit already!!! It means alot...XOXOXO....housewarming party details to follow... :)

Friday, June 26, 2009


He is maybe the first icon that I felt I knew and grew up with. I truly enjoyed MJ. His Number Ones CD is amazing, and should be bought by everyone. I even have a spin mix dedicated to him and my favorite season of Dance Crew was when they dedicated an evening to the 25th anniversary and best selling album of Thriller.
That music and even his Jackson 5 days are what I will remember him for. So in his honor Friday Tunes showcases one of his songs that I can remember playing over and over in my cassette player and even watching Jesse ride that Whale to freedom again and again. Enjoy...and RIP =..(

Thursday, June 25, 2009


The exact word for my life right now. (FYI-I'm moving to Chicago.) Don't get me wrong I am 100% super excited to move A)-to the city and B)-IN WITH MARK!!! But boy oh boy am I gonna miss Brookfield. The thought of my place being in the paper alone almost brought me to tears, :(

Mr. Brookfield was my first place out on my own. Grew up in LaGrange, left home 20ish-moved to Westmont-didn't stay long and moved on to Brookfield-ALONE-howdy Adultville! And well I've been there 5 years ("Really? yeah-WOW")!! Woah....I can still remember moving in- green cake frosting still smeared into the wood on the bathroom door from an awesome surprise party, game nights, pre-drinking nights, many a Hills nights, pounds and pounds of pasta, slumber parties with Taylor, walks to Elhert Park-days full of suntanning and reading, surprise welcomed visitors and then not so welcome ones. ;)
Man it's been quite a timeline and a huge chunk of my adult hood. All in all it's been a good chunk and such an exciting chapter in my life. At the same time I'm so glad it's closing, time to put the past in the past, shut the doors- move on and move ON UP (literally)! One garden apartment to the 15th floor! Booooya!!!

So wish us luck-the big move-in day (though I've been there everyday this week) is this Saturday-yes with a high of 93 of Adios Mr. 8920. You've done good.

Leaving you with Mark and I on our balcony-soon to be tanning deck (yes Mark- your fancy smancy grilling area too)!!!! Cheers...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friday Tunes.

Two words-Wedding. Song. Awwwwwwww......
I just keep playing it over and over again-literally, it's not even 8am and it's been played 5 times already....brings me back to my chorus days, though we never had fancy blazers. Bummer.
Love the look alike "Harry Potter" director too-The beginning makes me giggle. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Say it ain't so!!!!

I'm gonna be living with a BOY!!!!!! Ahhhhhh.......crazy!! But it's true, come July 1st this beauty will be ours!!!Or at least a unit of it will be ours.  I am so excited!!!  It's crazy to think  just last Sunday was our first outing, went and saw a bunch of places, both agreed on the the same one, and BAM put in an offer Monday night-12 hours later..DONE. Welcome. Home.
.....yes we are renting (I know crazy in "this market"  but we really didn't feel like buying something just because it's "a buyers market" and then losing lots of $$$$ in 1-2 years if we relocate). Plus we have more time to save for a larger down payment for a HOUSE. Yes we have so many long term goals....I know-such the go-getters!
So in just two short weeks we will be settling in a 1100 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths condo with the most gorgeous view of Michigan Ave AND the Lakefront. Oh gosh what a birthday gift!! Definitely an upgrade from last years birthday...definitely

More pics to come, more joy to share, more housewarming invites to send!  ;)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Michigan Ave

24 hours from now I will be that much closer to moving in (with Mark) and if everything goes as planned the fancy smancy address of-
Despite that fancy name and being able to say "I live at _ _ _ _  S. Michigan Ave" (which really wasn't a big or any deal) it really was the best "bang for the buck" and a freaking heated garage (umm SOLD), sooo yea, wish me/us luck....signing papers and part of our lives/paychecks over tomorrow!!!!! O.M.F.G. :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Tunes.

Awwww sweetness.....Happy weekend-finally above 70 and maybe sunny! WOAH!

My Celebrity Encounter.


.......and we sooo made out.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things are looking up!!!

It is slooooooowly getting warmer...for like a day but hey it's Chicago gotta love it (or do you??). Well I'm gonna love it but for other things besides the weather-for MOVING THERE!!! Oh golly gee, it's true and it's getting closer!!! Saturday marks our first day of searching!!!!! Oh me oh my I can't wait! My favorite part is when Mark gets excited about it. You know typical guy "I'm so tough nothing breaks me" attitude that you learn to love, but not Mark and not when it comes to this!!! Ohhhhh I'm so on cloud nine. It will be sad to say goodbye to a town that did me so well for 5 years now. But look at what awaits me-CHICAGO!!!!

Am I really that big of a loser to be that excited to have a Chicago, IL address??? Not to mention a possible Michigan Ave address!!! Oh Lantro how you've grown up so much.....please go on, be proud- I sure as hell am!! :)

Tune in for more because you know you want to...and a little bit of you lives vicariously through me....yes I already knew. ;)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Tunes.

I think I'm just gonna start posting music I find and enjoy every Friday. I like helping get your weekend off to a good start...maybe you've heard of it maybe you haven't, maybe you like it maybe you don't. But hey you read this not I. Soo once again Happy Weekend!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Big Apple.

Yes, it's true I'm going, and in two weeks, I am stoked!!! But sigh, its not New York City or anything crazy or fancy like that. IT'S BETTER!!! I am going to the Allegany Mountains to......
Which I haven't done since I was like 10 and with the family. My family and I used to go RELIGIOUSLY up to "the dunes" like at least 9 weekends a it's been awhile and I'm itching for it BIG TIME. Yes, believe it or not this "princess"look-a-like can indeed get down and dirty and rough it (for a short period of time) :).

The even better news is the group I'm going with-ITS HUGE, like over 60 some people are going-how fun! They have a yahoo group, a facebook group, etc. I only know a handful of people (Harold, Karin, Carrie, Jen O, Jen L, Kara, Beth, and Sara) but still, I already know it's going to be amazing I have a sixth sense for these types of things!!!

Countdown ON: 14 days!!!

One (major) downfall. Mark has to work. Boooo...bonus though-"the allegany-iens" have been doing this outing for over 10 years so we'll BOTH get to go next year!!! Upgrade!