Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It's that time again.  Yep that time when Jen does something crazy. Time to climb the Sears Tower!!  (and no I won't refer to it as Willis so SEARS) 

Crazy I know but last year I did it in 26:22 mins (602 out of 1953), then I climbed the Hancock a few months later (133rd out of 739) in 9:05 mins (half climb) so now I'm back to the full climb-103 floors and 2,109 glorious steps-Woo hoo! 

The best part of the climb is that I've recruited a few of my spin members to join in so we named the team respectfully the "5am-ers", even better you can absolutely 100%, I'd love you forever JOIN US!!!  Please oh please!!  I promise to wait for you (at the top)! 

Too lazy huh?!?! -Well you're in luck-just donate and I'll pick up the slack! :)

Wish me luck!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. well you know this, but I just might be joining you!
