The last 2 or so weeks have been so stressful, honestly the start of "year 2" for us was not as lovely as we had hoped mainly because Jen is/was a stupid idiot and work/school/etc just got the best of us but hey-we are all guilty of it, we are only human, close to perfect (me) I know but still only human. ;-) Anyways with everything going on Mark has been the most amazing thing ever, my biggest support, my hardest rock, my everything. I could go on but I'm guessing all the eyerolls are getting old now so I'll just end it with thanking him.
Mark, I am so grateful for everything you've shown me and given to me so far in this trip we call life. I love you.

(I giggle when I see this pic-couldn't ya just put him in your pocket and take him everywhere with you??!?!?! :-D)
So happy to see the love :)