Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I can't stand it. And yeah people say that all the time but really I take the cake for hating on it. My body is always negative 20 degrees, so it's no fun when the weather itself is negative 20 degrees as well. I'm never warm, even when I've taught an hour of spin or ran for 30 minutes, yeah I'm sweaty (and trrrrrrrust me I get sweaty) but I get warm for mayyyyybe 4 minutes-then my body temperature immediately drops and I get cold. Ugh. I live in Chicago for what reason??? Maybe that's why a possible move to California or Arizona gets a little more appealing every year-especially now that I've read this years Farmers Almanac.

In summary: Winter-same as last. Summer-Same. Damn. Thing.

On a positive note you can buy cute hats and coats like this cute lady! (Go with the blue one!)

Stay warm kids, I'll be jealous thinking of your body heat.

1 comment:

  1. 1) i hate this chart
    2) everyone is voting blue...i think i might do it
