Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home.

Yeaaaaah we're home, from California, wishing I was still there with my BFF Miss Sunshine but really glad to be home. Yes disappointing many I'm sure but I'm tired and we just watched the Blackhawks make it 0-2 with the Redwings so I'm in no mood to post/blog our (super fantastic) vacation-more on that later soooo here's something to tie you over.

"PR" helping me pick seashells on the Santa Monica Beach for my cheesy "DIY" picture frame...And then one of my favorites of US and quite possibly my new background. :-)
Tune in later this week where I can actually tell you why on earth a gal would take a Raccoon on her vacation yes, it WILL make sense trust me-I'll come full circle with it..hang tight.

Off to go relieve the DVR a bit of her duties....night.


  1. Hope you enjoyed your vacation, cant wait to hear more about the racoon!

  2. Can't wait to see those pics and read your story.


    That was in Newport Beach, but close enough.
