Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Martha Crocker

Yes it's true, I am becoming a combination of them..Betty Crocker and Martha Stewart, and I'm ok with that. So here goes..my very very good friend Janeen got engaged Sunday night and I couldn't be happier for both her and Nick, it's been a long time coming (cough, cough), but then again isn't always for the girl!? ;) So Hooray...I am not committing to anything next summer until this is locked down, yes I love weddings, as long as it's not mine, that one I'll probably despise.
ANYWAYS...if you don't know already you will now-as Mondays go I have an elite group of girls over, cook pasta of some sort and recently now a dessert or two and we watch a half hour of pure drama filled (100% real life ;)) MTVness, aka "The City", and when not in it's off-season "The Hills". So what better night then to have a mini celebration for the newest bride to be!!! So first things first, a small trinket of congratulatory measures...I really wanted to get her a "ring holder" so I stopped off at a small little 'miscellaneous store' as I call them by my work, they have the cutest, randomest stuff...but no ring holder. Shucks. On to my newest obsession/find Swoozies. Check them out here-http://swoozies.com/ You can see why a girl such as me might like this place. Anyways..I ended up with a cute "bride notepad"...love the ribbon on it

Now onto the baking part, or so I thought...I wanted to make a cake, which low and behold I NEVER HAVE-shocking I know...unless you count the easy bake oven and 15 years ago...so yeah that was my mission, next stop the infamous Dollar Store for hopefully a HUGE cheesy dress up style ring for the cake topper..no luck, however I did make my favorite purchase of the night...a garter, but not to be used as a garter should but for the wrapping of the note pad! I had Tiffany blue wrapping paper at home so BAM-instant ribbon!!!

I was so impressed with my idea I called my mom instantly (yes,the master of this "Martha Crocker" biznessssss, and who I idolize the most)-SCORE, she loved the idea! You would have thought I was pregnant by the glow on my face for the next 90 mins. Ok so I left with no cheesy cake topper...OHHH whats a girl to do...mmmm can't make a cake with a ring topper, well just make a cake shaped into a ring! Genius I tell ya, pure genius. So I cooked two 8 inch cakes (thankfully-for some reason I just thought "oh I'll just cut out the middle of the one cake and cut that up into the diamond"-yeeeeea not so much), all in all I'm giving my self a 6 out of 10 on the cake scale. I was a little upset with the uneveness of the ring it self (they do speak the truth when they say cool cake completely) as well as with the frosting, I couldn't figure out how to do the diamond part...

I could have easily dyed some frosting pink or yellow but I knew she didn't have a pink or yellow diamond and I'm all about exact representation, or I was...I used a huge amount of sprinkles. :) YUM, or at least it looked yummy and was told it was. Damn lent. But I'm pretty happy with it, being my first cake attempt, and the most important thing is Janeen absolutely loved it!!! Which makes this all worth wild, and of course a reason to blog! :)

Congrats Jan-love you!

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