Monday, November 23, 2009

Purse Party Mania (Numero Dos)!!

Numero Uno can be found over here with my seriously creepy second half!! (xoxo my love)

It's that time of year again when my mom begs me (little does she know I've been counting down the days to spend with these purses I mean her) to join her at her bosses house for the annual "Purse Party"...for those of you who don't know me, purses are a weakness of mine-yes "slightly girly" for a moment....granted I pride myself in having no problem going out in sweats and yoga pants and/or from shower to out the door in less than 11 mins- I do enjoy a good shoulder companion. And by companion I mean purse. And by purse I mean COACH. It stole my heart at a young age and I'm ok with that.

Soooooo the purse party...always in November, always a good time had by all, and by all I mean me. My mom mainly buys something because it's her boss and she is all polite like that and well me I just buy to buy.....

So quick moment of silence for my current companion (branched out to the D&G world), a great friend through thick and thin-a youngest still, not yet over 3 months (her fault-she was unaware of this annual event)
Enjoy the darkest of my closet-it's warm and safe in there. Winter is coming-you'll thank me come January.
Mommy loves you. XOXO

Annnnnnnnd drum roll my new partner in crime.
"Black Beauty"

Shocking Jen buys another black purse but TRUST ME this one IS different and since I said trust me I don't really need to explain why! ;-)

Oh and like cherries are to sundaes wristlets are to Jen's wardrobe. TAAAADA!!! Bonus gift-it's was practically Clinique Bonus time! ;-)
Ohhhh stop your drooling, you're making her blush! Till next year!

1 comment:

  1. ZOMG your post totally cracks me up. The ode to the D&G was beautiful and left a tear in my eye ;) Black Beauty is simply STUNNINGGGGGG. Gotta love a black Coach (or any Coach...), its absolutely fantastical. I am drooling. The wrislet is soooo cute!!! Love the colors!!

    Thank goodness for purse parties!! <3
