Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009.

For all you non facebook-ers aka my spin members that I promised pictures for....;-)

I'd like to think Mark and I had the best costumes out there...I mean you can only have so many H1N1's, nurses, and doctors before it gets boring. I owe our choice all to Mark-it was his idea. The only problem now is it sets the bar pretty high for next year. I'm sure he will gladly accept the challenge :)

So with no further adieu, I present to you- Jessica and Roger rabbit....
Quite a lot of red if you ask me...
All and all a great night at a friend of a friends house party up in Lakeview..complete with Flippy Cup and to quote Barbush "It's like riding a bike"...and I'm an awesome bike rider! :-D
And adding to the perfect Halloween weekend a good friend welcomed their new baby girl Sophia into the world-6lbs 9oz right on Halloween afternoon-many great costume birthday parties to come!!!! Congrats you two!! PLUS an extra hour of sleep?!?! *arm pump*-YES! It's funny how Halloween changes over the years-not a single piece of candy for me, nor did I want any. After all I was more concerned about how many beverages I could get anyways ;-) ohhh an up side of adult hood.
Happy Halloween kids, how did you guys ring in the festivities?!?! See any better costumes than ours??!!?!


  1. LOVE that costume!!!! How awesome that your friend had a baby on Halloween!? So cool. Glad you had fun!
