Thursday, November 12, 2009


Did you know that this whole time you've been reading my incredibly awesome, can't live without blog, you've been reading a blog from real life royalty?!!??! No? Well guess what-you are!? You lucky ducks I am, Royalty that is. No my parents are not queens and kings and there are no castles (yet) but I'm royalty-I swear it says right here. Seeeeee!!!!?

The best part about all this?, yes I'm honored and think it's a great idea but I didn't have to go through the grueling application process like most-THEY CAME TO ME!! FINALLY people are realizing how important and awesome I really am...I knew it was only a matter of time! ;-)

So ok I'm royalty-RED EYE ROYALTY to be exact, so what does that mean for all you people?!?! Nothing really-just that I am a teensy bit excited for it, wanted to share with the world wide web and well that you can catch me blogging over here too now--->

I am PrincessJLA (of course I am)
Here is my
First Blog Post

PS-check my updated BLOG ROLL-please oh blogs from AWESOME, LOVABLY people!!!! <3


  1. Thank you for the link, chica! I am so honored to be friends with ROYALTY - I mean, this has gotta mean good for me by proxy, right!? ;) Totally royalty-friend... stuff. ;) I will be visiting your royal blog as well - very cool. Congrats, hun!!

  2. By the way the name is SHANNON not LIFE. Dunno why it did that. Hahahahhahaa

  3. HA HA, thanks love!! I will now call you Shannon Life. ;-)
