Tuesday, January 6, 2009


well i havent improved much but might i say this Blog ordeal is quite entertaining...and mildy addicting, maybe this will curb my appetite for chocolate....or online shopping, highly doubt it but i dream big.

i am hopefully in a "blog community" if they accept my application-oh geeze now im under the limelight for SURE, i did keep it G rated and fought the urge to comment "thats what she said" at any given moment...i think ill be ok and then BIG THINGS for me....actually the truth is i really have no idea what the community is and what the heck meetups are but im sure like most things ill fit right in and rock at it....i can only hope they "meet up" at VFW halls and play BINGO-if not i'm sooo sugguesting it....

ok later kids

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry- everyone over at 20sb LOVES "that's what she said" jokes.

    Okay, maybe not everyone, but I sure do.
