Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 2

It's almost 24 hours since my blog became the newest coolest thing in the Midwest, and now I'm a member of "20SB" which basically means i've spend the morning looking and stalking other blogs and "friending" them which for me is a HUGE deal...i normally don't "befriend" or "follow" people unless they do it to me first (t.w.s.s) its a self esteem issue I'm sure ;)....but so yeah something else I've over come in this great new year.

on to new things, my obsession grows more and more for the TV show the office, if you know me you know how sick of a mind i have, i think im part boy. the whole That's What She Said (twss) saying could never be overused in my mind, i even take it to higher levels such as Thats What He Said, That's What She did say, could say, etc, truly its a talent, if you hang with me I'm sure you'll pick up on it fairly quickly. It doesn't help when a have a co worker that is equally as sick and perverted as me and uses it as much as i well, just embrace it don't fight it (ooo-twss! SEEE!!) so i guess the whole point of the last paragraph was to share my newest edition to my Dwight poster that was from season 5 episode 1, wow yeah and i know that because?!?!

anyways i have him up along with my bobble head, my 365 "the office calendar" and various memorabilia from the show, so ok ok the edition-the glasses, i was given them from a co worker and thought I'd put them to good use, and now i thought you'd be dying to know there ya go

if you'd like you're OWN Dwight sketch here-

oh and I've seen enough of winter this year, I'm moving to CALI as soon as humanly possible...aka like 4 years. ;)


  1. I printed the photo off and gave it to ALL my co-workers


  2. i have to give Mark credit he sent it way back when..but glad you can all share with me the true enjoyment that is Dwight K Schrute!

  3. Thanks for following me, glad to have foudn your blog too!
