Friday, January 30, 2009

Me Strong like Bull

or i hope to be...i'm doing this starting Monday..

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Truth be told I am one now. Officially 25 1/2 years old...things aren't as easy as they used to be. I can't remember the last time I went out during the week where I didn't have be back home by 7:30, worried that i'd pass out from exhuastion....I'm scared to think of the "happy hour" I have to attend next week-seeing that we aren't meeting till 7....a nap after work is in the works. I can remember being able to stay out till 1 or 2 and roll out at 5am (unhungover) to go teach spin. Those days are so lost I do not dare look for them. Now the pure thought of drinking anything but a light beer activates a pre-hangover before I even begin to drink. And as much as I love wine and all the many flavors and tastes they conceive the heachache that comes with it has yet to be justified.
I have now experienced the wrath of back pain, it's not fun. My vision is getting worse-not wanting to drive at night anymore is a sure sign. The things that my mother used to nag me about growing up are now things I bug Mark about....dirty dishes in the sink and wet towels thrown on the bed and/or floor. The pure fact that as I write this I think of exactly what is sitting in his sink and/or dishwasher I forgot to load and I just shiver.
My blackberry is my personal assisant, not for the constant web browser or the access to Outlook but for my calendar, tasks and reminders. My mind is going as well....too many "experiences" in High School might have fried the little brain cells I was born with. Never a regret though. I'm really amesome at remember things the day after they happen.
Oh but least I'm not alone, my friends are becoming "adults" too...realizing now that if we'd like to do something to plan WAAAAAY in advance. I'm guessing "save the date" cards should be used for more than just weddings. My infamous game night that I believe started out for 2/7 then to 2/20 has not been postponed to like March 2010. "save the date" girls.....SAVE........THE.....DATE....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Story time.

So Mark and I were recently coming up with fun stories about how we could tell people we met (having our good friends dating and eventually meeting up was just too boring for us) so we've basically come up with the best story, it goes like this:

Intrigued human : "how long have you guys been dating?"
Me: "5 months!!!"

Intrigued human: "wow that's it!?"

Me: "I KNOW!, we rock"

Intrigued human: "how did you guys met?"
Enters Mark...

Mark: ""

Intrigued human: "oh uhhh I see, where was your first date?"

Mark: "motel 6"

Me in the background bow chicka bow wow-ing, pelvic thrusting, winking and guns blazing-
Intrigued human "umm yea..i gotta go"

:) :) :) :) :)

but for real....i thought this was cute (stolen from Mark) and such lovely timing-

....i'd love to hear how you and yours met, or if you can top our story! Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


You know who you are....enjoy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

WANTED-dead or alive.

So if you know me at all (or are getting to know me) then you know one of my many "talents" are to ruin pictures, my lastest is

And if you REALLY knew me then you'd know my obsession called Taylor. She is my niece, she is 4, awesome and almost makes me want to have kids (relax Mark I said almost). But none the less I oggle her constantly...which is why maybe 84.8% of my pictures from Florida are of just her and me...believe it or not others were with us-but who cares about them right!? ;)
ANYWAYS, the reason for this post-is I got back some pictures I had developed and realized this man needs to be hunted down and hurt severely. Or just punched in the kneecaps, either or. Here is why:

ADORABLE picture- complete with Christmasy feeling and all-one "DISNEY 2008" frame please...right!?

Well take a closer look, in case you didn't catch it: :(

OHHHHHHHH you cruel man you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so I understand the whole "ah the tables have turned" or "a taste of you're own medicine " thing but F that...if that's the case then I don't want to be sick anymore and I dont want anymore medicine . Oh just waaa....

So in closing if you have any information regarding this man PLEASE contact me....I will reward you once he is captured and walking around with punched in kneecaps......thanks in advance.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Girly Moment

Don't judge the book by the cover-let it evolve....let the list of online shopping websites continue to grow..I look at it as a positive thing (yet Mark and my "expensive taste" convo may differ), at least it takes me away from Ebay for a bit. For some reason I am a bit ashamed of my Ebay usage..why i dont know, i feel like it's a 2001 thing to do. But hey just like me to be "behind in the times" then. Though this blogging ordeal keeps me hip, along with my good looks...ha. Again I dream big. Enjoy!

PS-happy Office/30 Rock thursday!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I was sooooooooo close to getting back at him for my most recent "im an idiot" mishap...luckily no one ever said anything (well except him (Ray/VRN/the person i hate most) who of course got a kick out of me blogging it and showed his wife) but so close...but yes (sigh) he is smarter than me and saw it and changed it....shucks!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Why, Why, Why, Why-
(no i did not write this and don't know who did so i cant give credit where it needs to be given but yea..still enjoy)

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are almost dead?
Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they already know there is not enough money?
Why does someone Believe you when you say there are four billion stars; but have to check when you say the paint is still wet?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?
If people evolved from apes, Why are there still apes?
Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
Is there ever a day that mattresses Are not on sale?
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?
Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?
How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?
When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, 'It's all right?' Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, 'That really hurt, why don't you watch where you're going?'
Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?
In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?
How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?


Tee hee-
You are on the bus when you suddenly realize ... you need to fart. The music is really loud, so you time your farts with the beat. After a couple of songs, you start to feel better as you approach your stop. As you are leaving the bus, people are really staring you down, and that's when you remember: you've been listening to your ipod.


Caught my eye this i dare ask what happened...luckily my office is only on the second floor if they indeed jumped :

PS-i MYSELF was not on the roof...we have a "roof top" deck believe it or not...while i prefer to enjoy a cold drink in the warmer months others perfer jumping off of it...hahaha just teasin we later found footsteps coming back to the door so WHEW....they changed their mind (or figured this was a quicker way to get the garbage into the dumpster then walking to the back of the buliding...)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Honest Abe..or Jen

So I've been nominated for my first award (i think) or maybe I've just been asked to it..either way here goes:

A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap. Simple. Or not.
  1. I'm addicted to online wedding photography sites, like bad.
  2. I buy almost everything on hurts a bit inside to pay full price.
  3. I love doing favors for people, I truly prefer giving than receiving.
  4. Though I love where I am in my life right now I sometimes wonder if I went away to school where I would be right now.
  5. I love back massages.
  6. I hate liars. They do no one any good including themselves.
  7. I think I could eat Oatmeal everyday for the rest of my life (no joke) and now kinda wish I was making some right now ;)
  8. I am extremely disappointed with myself for not sticking with one of my "goals".
  9. I know my checking account balance almost to the cent.
  10. I think those "100 legger" bugs serve no one any purpose.
  11. I'm not the best at keeping secrets the important yes but umm yea.

Ok and now the depressing part of my blog occupation, my small amount of people I know, So (booo) I have to break the "Honest Scrap" rules..I do not have 7 people to send this to but I will send it to those I know..and those are:


DramaQueen Confessions

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Friday!

Yep, leaving work and these beauties, though its hard to do both (ha) I wouldn't dare bring them out in this new water and more food till Monday! Thanks again my love-they continue to brighten my day every so often...
...gosh the little things mean the most!
Happy weekend!!


Why do I live here...all I can hope is that it's SOOO cold now because it's going to be SOO HOT this summer...Chicago what did I ever do to you?!?!!?

Monday, January 12, 2009


thats right i did, i stole it from my BBFF....i sure hope its ok-too late if its not! ;)

...i will say after reading hers and realizing i "tweet" her more than her own boyfriend makes me truely re-think how much of a loser i am....ah well least i admit it which most can't or don't...enjoy and then yes go find out who you tweet the most (you soooo know you're going to)!

TwitterFriends network for jalant

Thursday, January 8, 2009

oh foooyee!

i might make this a constant blog seeing that i spend about 60% of my awake life with this petty petty man....but all in all a crazy busy day ending with a lot of work getting done and not much time for my newest addictions of blogging and stalking....anyways i sometimes try my darness to ignore this man to every extent just to make him mad....he has a tendency to go crazy insane without constant contact with me (as do lots of people do! ha) for some odd reason he decided to add this to an order of mine today, leaving me in turn to not triple check my work and well sent it off to my fine client, god i hope they don't check it as much as i didn't....and i will again be shunning him for the evening. this man will remain nameless though im sure he knows who he is and "lol"ing right now....god i hate him. ;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Slightly Girly Moment

i came across this and of course i arm twisting needed here! i thought it was cute, cheesy and of course slightly girly!!!

so if you dont want to enter you can vote for me on 1/19! because ya me on a tv ad would ever happen....

Day 2

It's almost 24 hours since my blog became the newest coolest thing in the Midwest, and now I'm a member of "20SB" which basically means i've spend the morning looking and stalking other blogs and "friending" them which for me is a HUGE deal...i normally don't "befriend" or "follow" people unless they do it to me first (t.w.s.s) its a self esteem issue I'm sure ;)....but so yeah something else I've over come in this great new year.

on to new things, my obsession grows more and more for the TV show the office, if you know me you know how sick of a mind i have, i think im part boy. the whole That's What She Said (twss) saying could never be overused in my mind, i even take it to higher levels such as Thats What He Said, That's What She did say, could say, etc, truly its a talent, if you hang with me I'm sure you'll pick up on it fairly quickly. It doesn't help when a have a co worker that is equally as sick and perverted as me and uses it as much as i well, just embrace it don't fight it (ooo-twss! SEEE!!) so i guess the whole point of the last paragraph was to share my newest edition to my Dwight poster that was from season 5 episode 1, wow yeah and i know that because?!?!

anyways i have him up along with my bobble head, my 365 "the office calendar" and various memorabilia from the show, so ok ok the edition-the glasses, i was given them from a co worker and thought I'd put them to good use, and now i thought you'd be dying to know there ya go

if you'd like you're OWN Dwight sketch here-

oh and I've seen enough of winter this year, I'm moving to CALI as soon as humanly possible...aka like 4 years. ;)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


well i havent improved much but might i say this Blog ordeal is quite entertaining...and mildy addicting, maybe this will curb my appetite for chocolate....or online shopping, highly doubt it but i dream big.

i am hopefully in a "blog community" if they accept my application-oh geeze now im under the limelight for SURE, i did keep it G rated and fought the urge to comment "thats what she said" at any given moment...i think ill be ok and then BIG THINGS for me....actually the truth is i really have no idea what the community is and what the heck meetups are but im sure like most things ill fit right in and rock at it....i can only hope they "meet up" at VFW halls and play BINGO-if not i'm sooo sugguesting it....

ok later kids

The Virgin

Well here it blog! TA DA!! yes, more or less a dissappointment, but only for's a work in progress to say the least and as what most of my life is! :) I don't have anything useful to say but i have alot to here goes a bit

it's a new year! wowee....I've made some "goals" i don't like the word resolution because I'm not really resolving so far i have-

1-every day take a dollar out of my wallet and put it in a bucket i have safely hidden in my apartment, not to be touched until 01/01/10...which then it will go into saving accounts and/or new coach purse ;)

2-take a pic of something every day (so far this is my favorite)...completely mindless and uninteresting pictures but hopefully it will help me appreciate my life and the days of it. all though the second one was of me cleaning my boyfriends yea "appreciating" is maybe a stretch! =P

3-work out at least 5 times a week....i teach spin three mornings a week so this isn't that big of a deal but i guess i hope that the 5 times will eventaully help look like i work out...the whole the proof is in the pudding comes to mind....ugh. no further comments....

4-is a secert but i can tell you its straight from the heart and the most meaningful thing i think i've even done in my personal life... it's for one of the most important people in my life and it's a daily process that he will recieve on either his next birthday or next xmas. now i know he is going to read this and ask a ballizon times what it is but nope for once my lips are sealed :)

ok i think thats enough for back later or whatever not sure if there is rules or a guidebook i should be reading for this bloggingness.